Sunday, April 24, 2011

Nuclear Study > Immediate evacuation not recommended in nuclear attack

Article is dated 30SEP2010, but is pertinent none the less; especially with the Japanese nuclear disaster.-Read more

Friday, April 22, 2011

Free Course > Understanding Compassion Fatigue

University of Sourthern Florida -Read more
Course Aim:
To help public health workers, and other professionals on the front lines of bioterrorism defense, combat the potential adverse psychological effects of performing their functional roles and professional responsibilities in bioterrorism preparedness, response and recovery.

Course Goals:
1.To promote and protect the health and safety of bioterrorism front line responders
by assuring that they are aware of the potentially damaging psychological
 effects of performing their functional roles in emergency preparedness 
and bioterrorism response and recovery;
2.To limit the psychological distress and negative health behaviors in 
bioterrorism front line responders by helping them to combat these occupational 
stressors through developing skills for compassion fatigue prevention and resiliency.
3.To sustain the capacity of those who must continue to perform their professional 
roles in bioterrorism response and recovery, following a terrorism event, 
for the purpose of promoting an effective public health response.

Free Course > Assuring Cultural Competence in Disaster Response

University of Southern Florida -Read more
Course Aim:
To prepare public health professionals for their functional roles in disaster response by offering culturally competent disaster interventions to survivors, witnesses, and responders of bioterrorism and other major public health threats and community disasters.

Course Goals:
1. To provide a brief overview of cultural competency.
2. To create an awareness of the importance of cultural competence in delivering an effective public health disaster response.
3. To offer culturally competent strategies and interventions for disaster response.

9/11 Pentagon and Emergency Planning

This will blow your mind.  "Context of 'Early August 2001: Mass Casualty Exercise at the Pentagon Includes a Plane Hitting the Building'"  -Read more

A plane crash is simulated inside the cardboard courtyard of a model Pentagon.
Pentagon mock drill

Free Course > Mass Casualty Incident Triage

Medical workers at the first triage area set up outside the Pentagon after it is attacked.
This course is intended for pre-hospital care providers who may be called on to respond to a mass casualty incident resulting when a large numbers of victims are injured or exposed to hazardous materials or WMD agents. The course will prepare trainees to use the Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment (START) system, along with the "All Hazards" or "All Risk" Triage Tag. The course will also cover use of the Incident Management System (IMS) to respond with maximum effectiveness to a mass casualty event. Previous training of trainees may range from Medical First Responder or EMT-Basic to Paramedic. -Read more

Booklet > The Role of Elected Officials During Disasters

This is a very well written 32 page document, produced by Florida Division of Emergency Management.  Anyone taking the OSC3,  FEMA ICS 300 and 400 would benefit from reading this document. Takes a few mins to download. -Read more

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Military > Gulf War Veterans' Illnesses: Infectious Diseases

[FINALLY, a comprehensive website from the VA on all Gulf War diseases]

Marines crossing the desert
Marines crossing the Saudi desert

Free Booklet > Florida’s 2011 Severe Weather Awareness Guide

[This is a GREAT 32 pg booklet that is a resource full of resources!  Print it and take on vacation with you.  Great info as well as dynamic photos.  DON'T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT!]

Free Plans > Florida Disaster webpage

[Great web site for disaster plans and planning guidance]

JAPAN > Changes to evacuation zones (nuclear plant)

Fukushima radiation monitoring, 13 March to 17 April (JAIF)

[Good article from World Nuclear News, 2 mins read]

TAX FREE DAY VA > Prepare for Hurricane Season MAY 25-30, 2011

The Virginia Department of Emergency Management
  • Bottled water of any size, including flavored, carbonated and vitamin water
  • Artificial ice, blue ice, ice packs, reusable ice
  • Batteries, excluding car or boat batteries
  • Battery-powered light sources, including flashlights and lanterns
  • First aid kits
  • Cell phone chargers
  • Weather Band radios and NOAA Weather Radios
  • Battery-powered or hand-crank radios, including radio with electrical power option
  • Two-way radios
  • Manual can openers
  • Tarps, plastic sheeting, plastic drop cloths
  • Duct tape
  • Bungee cords and rope
  • Ground anchor systems or tie down kits
  • Ratchet straps
  • Carbon monoxide and smoke detectors, fire extinguishers
  • Empty gas, propane or diesel fuel tanks or containers
  • Water storage containers such as buckets, barrels, canteens, coolers
  • Storm shutter devices made for the prevention of storm damage (not plywood)
Save money on big-ticket items, too, with a sales price of $1,000 or less:
  • Portable generators and generator power cords
  • Inverters and inverter power cables. 
Retail outlets will have information about the tax holiday.  For a complete list and more information, go to   For information about getting ready for hurricane and flooding season in Virginia, please visit Read more...

VIDEO and BOOKLET > NEW National Terrorism Advisory System Public Guide

Below are; the actual 7 page (including cover and back) guide/booklet; DHS NTAS home page; and a 1:03 video from SEC Napolitano.
NTAS Poster: Airport: National Terrorism Advisory System If you see something, say something. Report suspicious activities to airport authorities or call 9-1-1 in case of emergency

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Video > Food helps brain injuries in warriors

ALERT > New National Terrorism Advisory System Replaces Color-Coded Alert System

[Color coded Alert system gone! 30 second article]

Video > Japan Earthquake 2011 Liquefaction Damage

Good article on liquefaction type earthquakes.  There are a few silver linings in the clouds above Japan...the Video is 9:27 and is visually powerful.

Technology > ORNL rifle sighting system uses sensors to score bull's-eye

[Oak Ridge National Labs does it again!  This is an excellent article on rifle technology and how crosshairs automatically adjust for conditions in real time. 2 mins read.]

photo courtey of ORNL and Ron Walli

JAPAN > Dust control steps up at Fukushima

[Really good article on mitigation methods of controlling dust at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant.  Read is only 1 mins long and discusses what the robots are doing also.]

Click to enlarge
Area being sprayed, photo courtesy of
Anti-scattering test at Fukushima Daiichi
A Tepco worker tests the anti scattering agent in a debris-strewn area near the shared used fuel pond

JAPAN > Fukushima Nuclear Accident Update Log 20APR2011

[This is an update from International Atomic Energy Agency in ref to the 7APR earthquake that happened, post 11MAR earthquake and tsunami.  Good info, takes about 3 mins to read.]

IAEA Incident Emergency Centre (IEC)
photo courtesy of

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

JAPAN > Workers Battle Contaminated Water Flooding Japan Plan

[3min read, good in depth article]

Wrecked ships in the exclusion zone surrounding Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. Plant personnel on Tuesday began moving contaminated water out of a reactor turbine area at the crippled complex (Athit Perawongmetha/Getty Images).

Video > Expiration Dates Matter

This is a very good video by the FDA on drug expiration dates.  Emphasizes what and how the drugs may loose their efficacy and/or alter their chemical composition.  Only 1:26 seconds long.

Monday, April 18, 2011

SDF in the News > State Defense Forces Part 6

SDF in the News > State Defense Forces Part 5

Free Courses > Michigan State Univ teamed with Safety

These courses are all FREE.  Most are 3 hrs long.  All give certificates upon course completion.  Good luck!
Course List offers the following courses at this time.  
Hazmat Awareness
Participants will learn how to recognize a hazardous materials release and the risks involved.  They will also learn how to identify the released material; how to use available resources, including the Emergency Response Guidebook; and how to notify the proper authorities in the event of a hazardous material emergency.

Incident Command Awareness/Refresher
As a result of completing this course, participants will be able to implement an Incident Command System during the initial stages of an emergency.  Although the course does not qualify participants to serve as an Incident Commander, it will explain what actions to take to control the situation before the Incident Commander arrives. This course also serves as a refresher training for Incident Commanders.

Evacuation Coordinator
Participants will learn the legal requirements for evacuation and in-place sheltering.  They will also learn how to recognize emergency conditions, how to report an emergency, and how to direct and assist other employees during different types of emergencies.

Emergency Response Planning
This course focuses on the plans that facilities must prepare to protect their employees and the surrounding community from potential emergencies.  Participants will learn how to use the National Response Team's guide for developing an Emergency Response Plan to cover fires, explosions, hazardous materials incidents, technical rescues, emergency medical incidents, natural disasters, and acts of terrorism.

Unified Command Awareness
Participants who complete this course will understand how to implement the Incident Command System when multiple agencies respond to an emergency and more than one Incident Commander is present.  The Incident Command Awareness program is a prerequisite for this course.

Bloodborne Pathogens
This course will provide participants with the knowledge required to identify bloodborne pathogens and to protect against exposure.  The course meets requirements established by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.As part of this on-line course, participants will be able to ask questions that they may have during the course.  Participants questions will be answered by a qualified instructor during the hours of 8 am and 5 pm (EST), Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.  Therefore, we encourage participants to take this course during those times.

Container Inspections
Participants will learn how to conduct inspections of containers in order to reduce the threats posed by terrorism.

Hospital-Based Decontamination: Hazardous Materials Recognition
Participants will learn how to recognize hazardous materials in order to decontaminate patients safely.

Inspection and Testing of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems Awareness
Participants will learn about the importance of inspection and testing of water-based fire protection systems.

Radiation Safety Awareness
Participants will learn how to recognize the risks involved with radiation.  They will also learn how to identify radioactive material; the different equipment that is available; and how to use available resources.

Emergency Response Team Coordinator
This program is designed to provide Emergency Response Team Coordinators with the knowledge required to ensure their ERT is capable of responding to emergencies safely.

Machinery Rescue Awareness
In this program, participants will learn how to respond at the Awareness Level for incidents involving personnel who have become trapped, entangled or pinned in various types of machinery.

Incipient Fire Fighting: Awareness Level
Participants will obtain the knowledge required to fight incipient fires or fires in the beginning stages.

Video > SDF in the News - State Defense Forces Part 4

Video > SDF in the News - State Defense Forces Part 3

Video > SDF in the News - State Defense Forces Part 2

Japan > USS George Washington to return to Yokosuka

The forward-deployed aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73) departs Commander Fleet Activities YokosukaUSS George Washington to return to Yokosuka

after providing humanitarian support to Japan

Video > SDF in the News - State Defense Forces Part 1

Shopping > Military, Law Enforcement, EMS Gear and Equipment

This business has a huge variety of gear!  Go to website...

Health > Sitting can kill you

[This article is a little...blunt.  But it is totally appropriate for our society today.  Takes about 1.5 mins to read.  Kind of gets to the heart of the obese problem.]
image courtesy  tryingmyhardest via Flickr
Business Insider article web site

SDF in the News > Maryland Defense Force

[Maryland Defense Force Supports 2011 Gubernatorial Inauguration]

SDF in the News > Maryland Defense Force

soldier, reserve, military, defense
photo courtesy of wjz channel 13 
Article >

Maryland Defense Force Banner
Maryland Defense Force web site:

Welcome to the New MDDF.MARYLAND.GOV

Social Media > Pentagon Official Addresses WikiLeaks, Social Media

image courtesy of

[Article is somewhat weak, but message is clear.]

Article web site >
[UNC's Center for Public Health Preparedness Training web site, great courses!]

for courses to

Exercise > National Level Exercise 2011, New Madrid seismic zone, 16-20 MAY

[ The National Level Exercise (NLE) is the new name for the old TOPOFF exercises.  This year the exercise encompasses 8 states and 4 FEMA regions.  On April 28, the whole nation has been asked to participate in the 'Great Shakeout'. (California started the original Shakeout) This particular article is:  "Kentucky Enlists Whole Community Approach for National Level Exercise 2011"]
to access article go to:
for info on the Great ShakeOut go to:
for the National Level Exercise 2011 history and documents go to:

BioTerrorism > Genetic Mutations Were Key Clue in 2001 Anthrax Mailings Case

[Global Security Newswire report > ]

image courtesy of

Social Media > LA's Crisis Communication Strategy

image courtesy of

OPSEC > Best Practices for Keeping Your Home Network Secure

[Good to know info from National Security Agency on how to keep your computer safe from the bad guys...]