Friday, April 8, 2011

9/11 WTC Oral History website

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Unique Web Site Allows 9–11 Responders to Share Their Stories
Remembering 9–11, An Oral History of Responders to the WTC Attack, is a Web site on which WTC responders and those who witnessed the effects of the WTC disaster can tell their personal stories. The site was started by Dr. Benjamin Luft, director of the Long Island World Trade Center Program. Dr. Luft explains that the site provides a forum to learn about the human impacts from those who experienced it firsthand and a place for reflection and thoughtful discussion. He also hopes it can provide insight for developing future emergency response efforts: "remembering 9/11 documents information that the medical charts leave out, the humanity beyond the statistics." To view the stories or if have a related story to share, visit the Web site

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