Friday, May 6, 2011

Terrorism > Al Qaeda's plans for 9/11 anniversary: attack U.S. rail

Excellent article by Homeland Security Newswire  4 min read.
A result under consideration by al Qaeda // Source:
The treasure trove of documents, multimedia, and computers seized in the raid on bin Laden's hideout is being exploited by intelligence experts for information on the terror network and future plots; on Thursday the FBI and DHS circulated to law enforcement units around the United States the first piece of information from the bin Laden raid: in February 2010 al Qaeda operatives discussed attacks on U.S. trains as a way to commemorate the 9/11 attacks; the discussions show that the planners, in order to achieve a maximum-casualty attack, were thinking of derailing a train so that it plunged into a ravine or fell off a bridge; the FBI-DHS Thursday warning urged local la enforcement to be circulated for clips or spikes missing from train tracks, packages left on or near the tracks, and other indications that a train could be vulnerable  Read more

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