Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tornadoes > Help Missourians recover from recent disasters - Official MO State website

Donations for Missouri Disaster Relief

TornadoMissourians who would like to donate to assist with disaster relief efforts in Missouri, the rest of the nation and the world should consider that making financial contributions to a recognized disaster relief organization is the most effective donation. Monetary donations allow voluntary organizations to fund response and recovery efforts, obtain goods and services locally and provide direct financial assistance to disaster survivors to meet their own needs.DisasterFlood
A list of major non-profits that operate regularly in Missouri can be found by visiting the National Donations Management Network Web site. At the site you can donate directly to your preferred charitable organization by clicking on the organization’s name. In addition to making financial donations, you may donate products and services, or lend equipment to relief efforts. For more details or to make a donation, click the link above or call (800) 427-4626.
Additional information about donating or volunteer opportunities is available from 211 Missouri, which can be reached by dialing 211, or (800) 427-4626. This information is also available at the 211 Missouri Web site.

Donate to help Missouri’s flood and tornado victims

Your contribution will support disaster relief efforts to help those affected by the floods and tornadoes throughout Missouri; providing shelter, food, emotional support, other supplies and assistance. 

Donate to Assist in Long Term Recovery Efforts

Often it takes a long time, months and even years, for communities and individuals to recover from a disaster. Your donation can make a difference.  Full article

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