Saturday, July 23, 2011

TERRORISM: Updates on the Oslo Bombing, Al-Qaida Takes Responsibility

21072011UPDATED JULY 22, 5:16 P.M.
WASHINGTON -- At least seven people are dead Friday after an explosion rocked a government building in Oslo, Norway and a man dressed as a police officer opened fire at a youth camp outside the capital.
Al-Qaida-linked terrorists have taken responsibility for Friday's attacks, a respected blog about counter-terrorism reported.
An officer stationed at the U.S. Embassy in Oslo said all American personnel assigned to the mission were safe and accounted for, though personnel were still checking to see if any American tourists had been at the scene.
Abu Suleiman al Nasser issued a statement saying the bombing was connected to a Dec. 2010 attack in Stockholm, Sweden, according to  The Long War Journal, a blog on counter-terrorism, which  received a translation of the statement from the SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors jihadist groups online.  For more

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