Thursday, September 22, 2011

9/11 UPDATE: Why the Twin Towers Collapsed: New Theory

Just before the two skyscrapers collapsed on September 11, 2001, powerful explosions within the building could be heard, Photo: Jim Collins / AP / SCANPIX

Twin Towers attackWhy the Twin Towers collapsed: new theory

Published 22 September 2011
Materials scientist says that a mixture of water from sprinkler systems and molten aluminum from melted aircraft hulls created explosions that led to the collapse of the Twin Towers on 9/11
Just before the two New York skyscrapers collapsed on 11 September 2001, powerful explosions within the building could be heard, leading many people to believe that overheated steel beams in the building were not the cause of the collapse.
The explosions fed the conspiracy theories that someone had placed explosives inside the towers.
At an international materials technology conference in San Diego, senior scientist Christian Simensen of SINTEF Materials and Chemistry present an alternative theory, based on the physics of materials, of what happened in the towers when they were attacked by the aircraft. Siemensen believes that his theory is much more likely to reflect the actual situation than the official explanation of the collapse.
In the wake of the conference Simensen had an article published in the journal Aluminum International Today, describing his theory.  Full story

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