Monday, October 31, 2011

EARN MONEY: DARPA Offers $50,000 for Ideas to Re-assemble Shredded Documents

The sometimes enigmatic government agency that has been in the vanguard of historic computer network development, including creation of the Internet, is taking a more popular approach to a more prosaic problem --  how to re-assemble shredded documents.
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The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) said it is offering computer scientists, “puzzle enthusiasts and anyone else who likes solving complex problems” a $50,000 prize for the best ideas in putting shredded documents back together again.
The agency said its “Shredder Challenge” is aimed at solving a nagging problem in warzones where soldiers find remnants of destroyed documents that could possibly contain important battlefield intelligence. Piecing those documents back together could be a valuable source of information that could save soldiers’ lives. Additionally, the agency said, understanding how shredded documents could be re-assembled by clever day-to-day citizens and scientists could also help the U.S. national security community, it said.  Read more

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