Sunday, October 30, 2011

HOMELAND SECURITY NEWSWIRE: Secretary Clinton Demands Libya Return Lockerbie Bomber to Prison

Published 27 October 2011

courtesy of
Now that the fighting in Libya has drawn to a close with the death of Muammar Qaddafi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is pressing the new Libyan government to return the only individual convicted in the 1988 bombing of Pan Am Flight 103; Abdelbaset Ali Mohmet al Megrahi, was convicted and jailed in Scotland for the Lockerbie bombing which killed 259 people, mostly Americans; in 2009 Scotland released him on the grounds that he had been diagnosed with terminal prostate cancer and only had three months to live; al Megrahi returned to Libya where he has been living since; over the weekend Clinton said, "We want to see him returned to prison, preferably in Scotland, where he was serving the sentence"

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