Monday, July 18, 2011

BORDER PATROL: Bill to Allow DHS to Seize Authority over U.S. Coastlines

The House is currently considering a bill that would cede control of America's coastlines to DHS; under the proposed National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act, the Secretary of the Interior would forfeit authority of all public coast lands to the Secretary of Homeland Security, whenever the DHS chief sees fit

Interior could lose control of wetlands to DHS // Source:
The House is currently considering a bill that would cede control of America’s coastlines to DHS.
Under the proposed National Security and Federal Lands Protection Act, the Secretary of the Interior would forfeitauthority of all public coast lands to the Secretary of Homeland Security, whenever the DHS chief sees fit. The bill would also allow DHS to take control of lands located along the Canadian and Mexican borders. DHS would be empowered to freely construct roads and fences, deploy patrol vehicles, and set up “monitoring equipment” on these lands. Within 100 miles of a coastline or international border, DHS would also have the power to waive all environmental regulations including the Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the Coastal Zone Management Act.  
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