Thursday, August 4, 2011

SECURITY vs FREEDOM: Norwegian Ambassador: A More Restrictive Society” is Not the Answer

[I can't help but empathize with this guy and Norway as a whole.  I vacationed there, and absolutely love the people and their country. Maybe they are learning from our mistakes...hopefully, somebody does...SDF Blogger]
Published 4 August 2011
coutesy of
Following the deadly terrorist attacks in Norway that left at least seventy-six people dead, Svein Sevje, Norway's ambassador to Israel, said in an interview that the Norwegian government will not become a surveillance state and instead focus on maintaining freedom and transparency; "The answer to this is not closing in and a more restrictive society, it's more transparency, more involvement, that must be the answer," Ambassador Sevje said; "Our prime minister and foreign minister have stated that Norway will still be recognizable tomorrow," he said; the ambassador added that some new security measures will be introduced, but he hopes that they will not come at the cost of democratic freedoms

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